axialHealthcare is a risk management solution that identifies and addresses opioid-related risk in patient populations.

The solution provides timely, interactive tools to providers that allow for data-driven decision-making at the point of care. axialHealthcare is the risk mitigation solution of Wayspring, a company that provides end-to-end support for members with substance use disorder.

Real Life Opoid Accidental Overdose

When many people think of Narcan, they imagine first responders using the life-saving drug to reverse the effects of an overdose for an illicit drug user. While this is a common use for Narcan and has saved countless lives, it has created a narrative around Narcan that has led people to believe it is a drug for those who misuse or are addicted to opioids. The below anecdotes are real accounts of providers prescribing opioids in which Narcan either did or could have saved a life.

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Who: Young female patient

What: Acute opioid therapy mixed with Benzodiazepines

This patient had difficulty sleeping due to ongoing pain. She was seen in the ED with lethargy, slurred speech, drowsiness, and confusion. The patient was inconsistent with reporting whether she took Xanax or Klonopin. She had no suicidal ideation, so she was cleared to go home and was referred to pain management. The hospitalist who treated her in the ED prescribed Tramadol for ongoing pain until she was able to follow up with her PCP or be seen by pain management. She was not prescribed Narcan. She was once again seen in the ED two weeks later for Klonopin and Tramadol overdose, and she admitted to taking more than her prescribed dose due to worsening pain. The patient was subsequently admitted for observation.

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Who: Young female patient

What: Acute opioid therapy mixed with Benzodiazepines

OUTCOME: Hospitalization

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Who: Older female patient

What: Acute opioid therapy mixed with Benzodiazepines

OTC meds were not effective for this patient with chronic pain who underwent surgery. She was then started on Oxycodone post-operatively but was not prescribed Narcan. The patient was eventually weaned to Tramadol but remained on this medication chronically. She had one abnormal urine drug screen, but subsequent screens were normal.  She was prescribed opioids by multiple providers, but they were all in the same office.  Six months later, she had a urine drug screen that was negative for all prescribed medications, and opioids were discontinued. The Patient had increased pain and scheduled a joint replacement with an orthopedist.  Two weeks pre-surgery, she was prescribed Tramadol and Oxycodone for pain to tide her over.  One week prior to surgery she overdosed on her prescribed medication and died. 

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Who: Older female patient

What: Acute opioid therapy mixed with Benzodiazepines


Partnering with Health Plans

  • Single end-to-end solution
  • High-tech, high-touch approach
  • Improves clinical and financial outcomes

Equipping Providers

  • Interactive clinical decision support
  • Patient intelligence at your fingertips
  • Wraparound patient support team
Since 2017, care optimization company axialHealthcare has collaborated with multiple insurance companies to offer providers a wide range of tools and resources that aim to support the health and safety of patients on opioids.
Through this collaboration, the tools available to providers include:
  • •  Patient intelligence highlighting patients who fall into certain risk categories, such as patients recommended for evaluation for substance use disorder, opioids received from multiple providers, or benzodiazepine use with opioids. Risk categories are tied to clinical considerations that may help mitigate the risk
  • •  Patient-specific snapshots of key clinical information that summarize critical diagnoses and recent prescriptions
  • •  An interactive opioid reduction tool to assess patient readiness and motivation and support the development of patient-centric reduction plans when beneficial
  • •  Insight into areas of patient risk within a set of clinical measures for opioid prescribing.

We believe in the power of our data-driven solution to help deliver personalized care and enhance patient outcomes. Discover how our suite of timely, interactive tools can empower you to make informed decisions, mitigate risks, and optimize patient well-being.

For Providers

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